6 Sided Skybox in Unity
This article will show how to make a 6-Sided Skybox in Unity for the 3D Stealth Project. A skybox in Unity is easy to work with and can bring a lot to the scene, whether the Skybox simulates a sky and gives the scene background, indirectly lighting the scene, or creating interesting reflections with shadows and highlights.
The first thing to do is create new material for the Skybox and then change the Shader to Skybox/6 Sided.
What is needed for the 6 Sided Shader is six textures representing the inside faces of a cube.
The 6 Sided Shader is stitching together the different textures to make a Cubemap that will be rendered in the scene’s background.
Now, all that is left is to hook up the new Skybox material to the scene. To do that, you go to the Lighting window/tab, and under the Environment section, change the Skybox Material to the one you just created. Then generate the Lighting.
Moving around the scene, you can see the Skybox in action, providing reflections and lighting to the scene.