InGeek CulturebyKyle W. PowersLadder to Success! — Player Climb Ladder AnimationThis article will show how to give the Player the ability to climb ladders. This Ladder System will be able to be used on any Ladder…Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersLift PlatformThis article will show how to make a Lift Platform that moves from floor to floor and pauses at each for a set duration. Since this…Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersMoving Platform — RefactorThis article will expand on the Moving Platform from a previous article. We will add the ability to use any number of waypoints and the…Jul 5, 2021Jul 5, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersOn a Roll! — Player Roll AnimationThis article shows how to add the ability for the Player to Roll to get under obstacles. The Roll animations are from Mixamo, which was…Jul 3, 2021Jul 3, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersUsing Cinemachine — 2.5D Follow Player CameraThis article will show how to use the Unity Cinemachine package to create a camera that follows the Player as they move.Jul 2, 2021Jul 2, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersLedge Climb — Using State Machine Behaviours in UnityIn this article, we will use a State Machine Behaviour script to know when to move the Player on top of the platform after the ledge grab…Jul 1, 2021Jul 1, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersLedge Grabbing in UnityThis article will show how to create a ledge grab mechanic for the Player to get to the next platform.Jul 1, 2021Jul 1, 2021
InGeek CulturebyKyle W. Powers3D Character Animations in UnityThis article will show how to set up a 3D character model in Unity with animations for idle, running, and jumping; if you don’t have a…Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Kyle W. PowersSetting Up 3D Character in Unity with MixamoThis article will show how to set up a 3D character model, using Mixamo to rig it and add animations using the Humanoid Animation Type in…Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
InNerd For TechbyKyle W. PowersHow To Upgrade to Unity’s Universal Render PipelineThis article will show how to upgrade an existing project in Unity to the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). The URP can be used for all…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Kyle W. PowersPushing Objects in Unity to Complete PuzzlesThis article will show how to create a Box that the Player can push to complete puzzles.Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
Kyle W. PowersWall Jumping in UnityThis article will show how to add Wall Jumping ability to the Player from a previous article. The wall jumping will allow the Player to…Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021
InGeek CulturebyKyle W. PowersCreate an Elevator In UnityThis article will show how to create an elevator system that the Player will interact with and ride to the next floor in the scene.Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021
Kyle W. PowersLives and RespawningThis article will show how to implement a life system that will respawn the Player at the respawn point and take a life.Jun 22, 20212Jun 22, 20212
Kyle W. PowersCreating a Moving Platform in UnityThis article will show how to make a moving platform that goes back and forth between two points that you can easily change. We will also…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Kyle W. PowersCreating Collectables in UnityThis article will show how to create a collectible coin that the Player will pick up and display how many have been collected on the…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Kyle W. PowersHow to add Double Jump to your GameUsing the Player script created in the previous article that uses a Character Controller component, we will add a double jump feature for…Jun 19, 2021Jun 19, 2021
Kyle W. PowersCreating a Physics Based Character Controller in UnityIn this article, we will make a physics-based movement using the Character Controller component in Unity. The reason to do it this way…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021